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Receive the Gift of Christ Today

The moment you receive Christ as your Savior, you receive everything He is in your spirit. In and through Him, you are a joint heir of the Kingdom of God, which Romans 14:17 says is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There is such power in those gifts! All you need to do to enjoy them is open your heart to God and receive them, like a child on Christmas morning. You don’t even have to wait. You can start unwrapping His gifts right now! The Gift of Peace Jesus―the Prince of Peace―wants us to have His peace in every part of our lives, at all times. This verse goes on to say, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Instead of hanging on to worry, anxiety, fear or frustration, you can receive His gift of supernatural peace. Moment by moment, day by day, I encourage you to put your trust in God. As you go through the process of releasing your worries and cares to Him, you will find a peace that surpasses all understanding. The...

Your Mindset; What Are You Thinking?

  Did you know you can be free from negative thinking? The first step to your freedom is facing the truth and saying, "I'm a negative person and I want to change." If you really want to, you can overcome it because according to the Bible, you're a new person in Christ (see  2 Corinthians 5:17 ). Your next step is to find out what may be blocking any positive progress. Identify Your Obstacles  Have you ever thought that nothing good is going to happen to you? Maybe you've even said something like  "If I don't expect anything good to happen, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't." These thoughts are obstacles in your mind, and simply recognizing them will pave the way to your freedom. As Christians, we need to learn to fight for our thoughts, because our minds don't automatically come into agreement with God's plans. I can look back at it and remember thinking,  I'm probably never going to be in worldwide minist...

Enjoy Your Life – Every Day!

Are you enjoying the journey of your life? The truth is, God wants you to enjoy your life every day. Did you know that? If you didn’t, or maybe you just aren’t sure whether God approves of people enjoying their lives, take a look at John 10:10 (AMP). It says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” This is an absolutely amazing scripture because it clearly tells us that God doesn’t just want us to be alive, but He wants us to enjoy being alive. He wants us to live with joy – abundant, overflowing joy! Learning to Live the Life My passion as a teacher of God’s Word is to help people learn how to live the life Jesus died to give us. That’s why we’ve titled our program “Enjoying Everyday Life.” And I’ve learned through my own experience that if you don’t have joy, then no matter what you have or what you do or how great your circumstan...

Anoited Yoke Breaking Messages.

Are you facing issues in life that seems unresolvable? Or you work like an elephant and eat like an ant? You need this 4 messages below, Listen to them daily & read all the Bible vs. Remember, the quality of the word of God you have inside of you makes the difference! In the school of mysteries! Information is the greatest asset! Also, In the school of victory, Information is the greatest asset, Information transformed a man while lack of it deform a man!! spiritual treasures are not found in the surface. This message below has transformed so many lives & yours can't be an exception! Remember, Deep Troubles, Requires Deep Prayers, some issues can only be address by midnight prayers 12am-2am. Listen to these great men of God teaches & be bless. 1) Great Deliverance By BISHOP TD Jakes 2)  Deep Troubles, Deep Prayers By Prophet D.K Olukoya 3) The Power of Midnight Prayer  By Prophet D.K Olukoya  http:/...

The Greatest Payoff of Staying Stable in Hard Times

Many people have gifts and talents and are called to do great things for God. Yet He hasn’t said, “Go,” because they’re still learning how to be stable, dependable, reliable, not easily shaken, and in control of their emotions. As Christians, we need to live the life that we claim to represent so that our gifts and talents can be released―not just for our own sake, but for the good of those around us. I am so glad that I’m married to a stable man. Of all the things Dave has brought to my life, I am so grateful to him for teaching me the value of stability. You see, in the early days of our marriage, he never knew one day to the next what I was going to be like, and neither did I. My circumstances dictated my mood―and it was a miserable way to live. Stop Making Excuses I could get up each morning thinking I was going to have a great day and then something would set me off. Then by 9 a.m., the rest of my day was totally ruined! But it doesn’t have to b...

The Cause & Cure for Worry

Worry, feeling uneasy or troubled, seems to plague multitudes of people in our world today. It's human nature to be concerned about the bad situations in our world and in our personal lives, but if we're not careful, the devil will cause us to worry beyond what's reasonable. Worry is like a rocking chair—it's always in motion but it never gets you anywhere. So why do we struggle with it? And what good does it do? Worry is the opposite of faith, and it steals our peace, physically wears us out, and can even make us sick. When we worry, we torment ourselves—we're doing the devil's job for him! Worry is caused by not trusting God to take care of the various situations in our lives. Too often we trust our own abilities, believing that we can figure out how to take care of our own problems. Yet sometimes, after all our worry and effort to go it alone, we come up short, unable to bring about suitable solutions. At a young age, I discovered firs...

No Matter What! Don’t Quit!!

  And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. Galatians 6:9   “I’ve been a Christian for twenty-three years,” Cheryl said. “I’m just not getting anywhere. I’m as weak as I was when I first accepted Christ as my Savior. I still fail. I just don’t know if it’s worth it.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued to talk about her failures. “By now I know all the right things to do, but I don’t do them. Sometimes I deliberately do something mean-spirited or unkind. What kind of Christian am I?” “Probably a growing Christian,” I said. A startled look appeared on Cheryl’s face. “Growing? Did you hear—?” “Yes, I heard. But if you weren’t growing, you wouldn’t lament your failures. You’d be satisfied about your spiritual level or tell yourself how good you are.” “But I’m so discouraged, and I fail God so...

Teaches and Analysis on Matthew 5:3-4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

BLESSED are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . Matthew 5:3 Question: What does it mean to be poor in spirit, as Jesus said we ought to be? I don't understand this, because it seems to me that we ought to strive to be rich in spirit, not poor. Or am I missing the point? Answers: Your confusion is understandable; after all, the Bible does warn us against being empty and impoverished in our souls, and urges us to seek spiritual riches instead. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). But Jesus also said that there is another kind of spiritual poverty—one we should seek. He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). What did He mean? Simply this: We must be humble in our spirits. If you put the word “humble” in place of the word “poor,” you will understand what He meant. In other words, when we come to God, we must realize our own sin and our spir...