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Putting the Word out so all might be encouraged and be saved. 
Our aim: To propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the World. To build up prayer eagles, To build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord. To deliver those who have become slaves to Pastors, Prophets and Apostles. To build up heavenly-bound and aggressive Christians. 
Outreaches at a Glance

Chris has published e- books.
Children's Homes
Whether a child has ended up alone due to poverty, abandonment or death, we feel strongly that we are to provide safe homes for them. We are currently caring for nearly 1000 children in 37 children's homes worldwide.

Disaster Relief
To date, we have donated  to disaster relief efforts worldwide. Efforts have included providing basic necessities, rebuilding homes destroyed by tornadoes and earthquakes, and partnering with local organizations to bring immediate relief.
Feeding Programs
More than 73,000 children around the world don't have to worry about where there next meal will come from, thanks to our partners. At more than 625 feeding sites in more than 30 countries children receive a nutritious meal, help with schoolwork and the opportunity to learn about Christ.

Human Trafficking Rescue
We are working to rescue women and children in the United States, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Thailand, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Greece and Lesotho. We offer love, housing, schooling, job skill training, and biblical counseling to help rebuild and restore their lives.

Medical Missions
Every year we are able to provide free medical care to hundreds of thousands through 2 fully funded hospitals, 3 ongoing medical clinics and a dozen short-term medical/dental outreaches.
Inner City
Through outreaches in the United States, as well as several around the world, we're reaching out to children and families in desperate need of help. We're reaching the homeless, prostitutes, disadvantaged youth, addicts and the impoverished with vital help and restoration.

Water Relief
We've been able to provide clean drinking water to families across India and more than 20 other countries through wells and water tanks. To date, more than 675 well projects are working to provide safe water.

What We Believe

Statement of Faith

The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains every answer to man's problems.

2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21

There is one God, existing eternally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

John 10:30; John 14:26; Philippians 2:5-7

God is Love and He loves all people. It is His desire to reach out to those who are poor, oppressed, widowed or orphaned, and to heal the brokenhearted.

Psalm 68:5,6; 1 John 4:16

Man is created in the image of God but separated from God by sin. Without Jesus we cannot have a relationship with God.

Genesis 1:26; 1 Timothy 2:5

We can have a personal relationship with God through salvation, God's free gift to man. It is not a result of what we do, but it is only available through God's unearned favor. By admitting we have sinned and believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and accepting Him as Lord, we can spend eternity with God.

Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 5:1; Romans 3:24

We believe in water baptism, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, as the way for believers to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:4; Matthew 3:13-17

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God. He helps empower the believer to develop the character of Christ and live every day in God's will.

Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:4

God gives all believers spiritual gifts. They are for the strengthening of God's people (the Church) and proof of God's existence and power to unbelievers. The gifts of the Spirit are active and relevant today.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11; 1 Peter 4:10

Sanctification is the ongoing process of allowing God's character to be developed in us.

Romans 6:19; Galatians 5:22-25

Divine healing is active in the lives of people today through Jesus, who is the Healer. Healing includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual restoration.

Luke 9:11; Matthew 9:35; Acts 10:38; Matthew 10:1

The Bible describes hell as a real place. It is a place of suffering and a place of permanent separation from God for those who die without accepting Christ. God's desire is that no one be separated from Him for eternity, which is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth.

Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:12-15; John 3:16-18

Jesus will return and take all those who have accepted Him as Savior to be with Him for eternity.

Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Hebrews 9:28


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