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Your Mindset; What Are You Thinking?

  Did you know you can be free from negative thinking? The first step to your freedom is facing the truth and saying, "I'm a negative person and I want to change." If you really want to, you can overcome it because according to the Bible, you're a new person in Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Your next step is to find out what may be blocking any positive progress.

Identify Your Obstacles 
Have you ever thought that nothing good is going to happen to you? Maybe you've even said something like "If I don't expect anything good to happen, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't."These thoughts are obstacles in your mind, and simply recognizing them will pave the way to your freedom. As Christians, we need to learn to fight for our thoughts, because our minds don't automatically come into agreement with God's plans.

I can look back at it and remember thinking, I'm probably never going to be in worldwide ministry—I probably just made that up because I wanted it to happen. It probably wasn't God's will at all. This was my obstacle, and it was a lie all the time. I had encountered so many disappointments in my life that I was afraid to believe anything good might happen. And when I really began to study the Word and to trust God to restore me, I realized my negativism had to go.

Practice the Positive 
Once you've identified any obstacles, the next step is to start practicing being positive in all kinds of situations. If you're going through a difficult time in life, start believing that God will work things out for your good.

Even positive thinkers deal with disappointing situations. The difference is that they have learned to let things roll off their back and enjoy life no matter what happens.

Say What God's Word Says 
Nearly everything God has brought me through has happened by believing and confessing His Word. I recommend that you not only purposely think right thoughts, but that you go the extra mile and speak them out loud as personal confessions of faith (see Mark 4:24).

Basically, God's telling us that the more time we spend meditating on His Word, the more we will see the benefits in our everyday lives and even have a closer relationship with Him. He even promises we'll be prosperous and successful! (See Joshua 1:8.)

I encourage you to spend time examining His Word and comparing it to your thought life. Give God time to help you put your thoughts in line with His.

Make up your mind to work toward changing your way of thinking. I've found the best way to become a positive thinker is to ask God for a lot of help—and to ask for it often.

Want to know more? 
Take a deeper look at how to align your thoughts with God's Word and overcome negative thinking with Joyce's book Click here to buy Power Thoughts.
Or  Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind



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