In Gen 2:18:
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for himVerses 21 though 24 further have these to say:
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead therof. 22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my fleah: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.If a man physically, spiritually and emotionally can not leave his parents, he cannot cleave and that would be a problem spiritually and that is what we are dealing with now - the role of ancestry powers in marriage.
There are no delinquent youths, rather, what we have today are delinquent parents. Once issues at home are not sorted out, things will go haywire. There are marriages where communication have broken down; marriages where the inlaws have taken over; marriages retained by money; neglected marriages - no time for eachother; marriages where couples are actors and actresses.
Many years ago, I paid a pastoral visit to a home. When I got there, it was a woman who opened the door and smiled. She said, "Doctor, you're welcome! How are you?", she said smiling. However, I noticed that her head and face were wet. Instead of her to cry out, "Pastor! My husband held my neck and put my head in the toilet and flushed it saying, "Your evil head brought bad luck to this home! Let me flush it for you." She didn't shout, that was the problem. But what they did not know was that it was actually the man (husband) who was flushing his wife's head that had the problem because he's own mother never stayed with his father and his father was never married to any particular woman. He just had children, no marriage!There are marriages that are very shallow - no love - it's just for beauty and handsomeness. To marry a woman because of beauty or to marry a man because of handsomenes is like buying a house because of the paint! There are marriages where the couple are into adultery. There are beating and biting marriages. There are plenty of open and closed polygamous marriages. There are plenty of marriages to satanic agents.
Listen carefully,
- If your marriage was done through demonic consultaion, that marriage needs deliverance
- If your marriage was forced, it needs deliverance
- If you got married as a child, that marriage needs deliverance
- If you got married because of tribal sentiments, it needs deliverance now!
- If you got married as a result of demonic prophesy, it needs deliverance now!
- If you got married after a series of trial and error, that marriage needs deliverance now
- If you got married after forming a blood convenangt to a man, that is, you cut yourself, the man cuts himself, you drank eachother's blood, that marriage needs deliverance
- If you got married because your parents said you should get married, your marriage needs deliverance
- You don't like eachother, but still went ahead and got married, that marriage needs deliverance
Once you're in a marriage and you begin experiencing the following in your dreams, know that all these are attacks against your marriage:
- Sex in the dream
- Seeing dirty wedding gowns
- See yourself marrying strange persons
- Losing your shoes (shoes represent marriage)
- Shaving of your hair
- Going to church on your wedding day and meeting an empty church hall
- Finding yourself in market places wearing torn and dirty garments
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