And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for himThe family is the foundation of civilization; a church within a church; a world within a world; a republic within a republic; the root of foundation between church and state. If things go on well in a marriage, things go on well everywhere; if things go wrong there, things go wrong everywhere.
There is a power called the Power of Marriage Destruction and there are specific powers assigned to pull down marriages. Some rush into any marriage just to appear to be married. It has become the GRAVEYARD OF MANY WOMEN. No nation can rise above the condition of her homes because the home is the backbone of the society. There is a high rate of premarital, nonmartial and extramarital affairs these days which has resulted in the authority of the home being eroded.
Today, all kinds of marriages are taking place! Marriages are of interest to Hell and Heaven and the enemy hates godly marriages with perfect hatred! The enemy can go to any length to prevent the right matches from taking place. This is why some people find it hard to marry.
There are basically 25 powers that the the enemy is using to attack marriages, but the strongest of these forces are the ancestral powers. It is important to note that every man is a product of all his ancestors. The platform our ancestors have provided for us is so serious that it requires spiritual violence. Your ancestry can pollute, defile, and seriously trouble your marital life. A lot of sisters who should be battling with acnestral powers are busy checking the cell phones of their husbands looking for text messages from strange women. The evil text messages they are seeing are as a result of the ancestral powers behind marriage.
If your parents worship idols, you are likely to experience the following:
- Marital Blockages
- The wrong people will be attracted to you
- There would be closed Heaven over your marriage and this is what causes INVINSIBLE SYNDROME for some sisters, that is, nobody (potential suitors) notices them
If your parents are into masquerading, don't be surprised if you experience the following:
- Jilting
- Sexual weakness
- Mental Instability
- Mental distress
- Asorted partners going about with all sorts of men and women
If your parents are native doctors, watch out now because
- There would be constant failure and constant attacks
- Satanic agents will be brought into your house
- If you bring in househelp or housekeeper, they would be possessed. In addition, if you have a maid, you will find that the husband will be running after the maid so he can sleep with her.
- Your partner is wicked
- There are a lot of marine attacks against the home
- The husband is going about with all manner of marine women
- Plenty of sexual looseness
- Multiple sexual partners
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