Hello family? Have you being praying without results? today i will share with you short but powerful message on HOW TO PRAY RESULT-ORIENTED PRAYERS. It is strongly advised that you pray in any of these ways as led by the HOLY SPIRIT : 1) 7 days' vigil (praying from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 a.m.). 2) 7 days' fast (breaking daily at 7:00 p.m.). 3) 21 days' vigil (praying from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 a.m.). 4) 21 days' fast (breaking daily at 7:00 p.m.). 5) 3 or more days of dry fast. NOTE: All prayers must be said very aggressively in the name of Jesus ( not mumbled).
Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in Heaven. ~ Psalm 119:89. | Jeremiah 20:9 |Psalm 119:105 | Hebrews 4:12 | Jeremiah 51:20 | Psalm 119:103 | Proverbs 4:22 | Proverbs 3:8 | Isaiah 55:10-12 |