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Deliverance of the Hand, [B]

The power in our hands and what happens if our hands become spiritually caged. Enjoy!

The power of our hands and read from Job 37:7, which says
He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work
- KJV, American Edition
Dr. Olukoya also tried to explain that God has set his seal on the hand of every man and in this message, will explain the power in the hands.

Hands perform service; hands perform work; hands responds to things; hands on the head represent suffering. The bible talks about lame hands. In Heb 12:12,
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees
- KJV, American Edition
A hand can physically and spiritually hang down. It may look okay physically, but in the spirit realm, it is hanging down. A hand that is hanging down spiritually will not be able to hold anything. People who color their finger nails need to be very careful because those colors have meaning in the spirit realm:
  • Red - covering of blood
  • Orange - covering of evil
  • Yellow - covering of weakness
  • Black - covering of death
  • Pink - covering of lust
Physically, if hands are incapacitated, it can bring the whole of life to a halt. The same applies to spiritual hands. When our spiritual hands are incapacitated, it will arrest our spiritual progress and that would transport into physical progress. So, spiritually hands can be chained, polluted, poisoned, amputated, counterfeited, frozen, wounded and exchanged.
In Psa 144:1,
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight
- KJV, American Edition
From the passage above, our hands are weapons of war. Once those hands are tied, they will be too short to engage in combat with the enemy. The bible makes us to understand in the book of Genesis 48 that our hands are instruments of blessing. The bible also makes us to understand in the book of Exodus 17 that our hands are instruments of prevailing prayers. An example is Moses: as long as his hands were lifted up, the Israelites experienced victory, however, once his hands came down, they began to lose!

Our hands are power trasmitters, that is, our hands can release blessings on anything we touch. Our hands are instruments of honor; instruments of increase and prosperity; instruments of worship - to worship the King of kings and Lord of lords; instruments of deliverance. When God anoints our hand, miracles and victory will follow; uncommon success will come your way. Once the Lord anoints our hands, our enemies will flee before us; our adversaries become helpless in our hands; our hands become the trap of the enemy and our ordinary hands begin to do extraordinary things.

Our hands are instruments of healing; instruments of ordination; an instrument to make someone receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost; an instrument of miracles, therefore, if the hands are caged, tied, defiled, amputated, paralysed, weakened, chained, cursed, injured, cobwebbed, broken, twisted, rendered impotent, suspended, overpowered, exchanged, deceased, manipulated, or remotely controlled, it will show in our lives and destiny.

Once the hands are under attack, there will be automatic failure mechanism; unexplainable loss of good things; great difficulty in locating your part of prosperity; nonachivement.

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