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The Geography of Destiny Seed

The Geography of Destiny Seed

In the book of Matt. 13:3-8,
3And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; 4And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 5Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 7And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: 8But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold
KJV, American Edition
Your destiny is the reason why you are born; it is the assignment of Heaven for your life on earth; it is what has been recorded in the book of Heaven concerning what you are here on earth to do; it is the blueprint of Heaven for your life; it is the map that has been designed by heaven for your life. So, your greatest enemy is the enemy that has vowed to make sure you don't fulfill that destiny. Your destiny is like a seed in the sense that it does not thrive on every soil. A location can waste or water you. The wife you married, the school you attended, the friends or enemies you make are all tied to where you have been, that is, your environment. In other words, one way or the other, we are all products of our environment.

If somebody gives birth to twins and you separate the twins by taking one of them to a remote village and the other to the United States of America. If you left the both of them in their respective enivronments for 40 years and brought them back together after 40 years, you would see the difference between the two. Their spoken english will be different, their language will be different, their sense of fashion will be different, their food and friends will be different; all because of the environment from which both of them came from. Perhaps, this would shed more light as to why God prefers certain locations for certain things. Jesus once said, "tarry ye in [the city of] Jesrusalem, until ye be endued with power..." Jesus did not say "tarry ye in Bethlehem" or "tarry ye in Jericho". So, God will insist on some locations. Sure God is omnipresent, but he does NOT do everything everywhere. He called Abraham out of his location because He had seven-fold blessings for him. If Abraham had remained in his father's house, he would not have encountered the seven-fold blessings. God had to pull him out of that place into another location, so he could experience the blessings.

Beloved, if Abraham had not relocated to Canaan, he would not have located his destiny.

So, some destiny frustrations are a function of the location of that destiny. There is a connection between destiny and location. Some locations are harzardous to some destinies. This brings us back to the parable of the soil. In some location, several seeds from the same bag ended up with diverse destinies. The end product of those seeds was not decided by the quality of the seed, but by the power of their respective location:
  • Group 1: The Seeds by the Wayside
    These seeds where ruined by crushing human feet and evil birds. This is exactly what has happened to many! They where in a location where there was a raid of destiny crushers, destiny robbers and destiny thieves. In this location, the destiny did not even get the chance to germinate or experess itself. They were crushed and eaten up and this represents destinies that appear and disappear; destinies that were never established; businesses that never picked up. They were crushed by environmental witchcraft and thieves who steal destinies. Beloved, there are some destiny crushing or destiny robbing locations.

  • The birds of the air that come to pick up the seeds represent witchcraft activities. They eat it up and the seed dies because the birds have converted it to food. Apart from witchcraft birds, destinies in wayside location suffer from premature and undue exposure to death. This is why when Elizabeth got preganant, she hid herself for six months. NOT EVERY EAR DESERVES TO HEAR YOUR STORY BEFORE IT IS ANNOUNCED. NOT EVERY EYE SHOULD READ YOUR SCRIPT BEFORE PRODUCTION. There are certain things in your life that you need not make mention to people about.

  • This is why some people have been in locations for years and have not prospered.
  • Group 2: The Stolen Location
    These seeds manage to germinate, but lack mositure. They have no roots and could not survive the scorching of the sun. The same sun which nourishes other plants killed these plants. These plants represent destinies confronted by the troubles of life which eventually suffocates these destinies. There where times in the bible when Jesus had to flee certain locations because of the troubles in those locations. I pray for you that your problem shall become your promotion, in the name of Jesus.
  • Group 3: The Turning Place
    Seeds in this group germinated and grew well, but bore no fruit. These seeds represents attractive and flashy destinies, but unproductive like a castrated man. Not all environments kill destinies outright. Some locations wait for destinies to grow before they strike. These locations even allow such destinies to flourish attractively before they destroy it. The seeds in this group are harassed into impotency and destinies are strangulated by the pleasure of life. Crisis failed to kill it, adversity failed to kill it, in the end, pleasure killed it.

  • Group 4: The Final Location
    Message continues on CD...


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