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The Word: Captured Souls

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's  ~
1 Cor 6:20; KJV, American Edition

Many high flying men or women who are supposed to be successful are not because of a careless sex they had in their youthful days which is still fighting them till today.

Your present day backwardness may be as the result of a careless sex you had many years ago. What you think was casual was a valid transaction in the camp of the enemy.

Judah in the bible slept with his daughter-in-law. That chain of sexual sin went to his generation until it reached David. The sexual sin of David set in motion lots of terrible things. His child died, war never departed from his family. His children were sleeping with his wife. This is the implication for sexual sins.


There are some sisters who need to place their hands on their womb and pray that God should bring out any deposit the enemy has put in the womb to derail their destiny. You need to pray that anybody who has married you in the spirit because of your carelessness in the area of sex should release you. You need to pray that God should set you free from the mortgage you did on your destiny because of sex.

There are sisters who were virgins but they watched terrible films and got into serious bondage. When you sleep with a prostitute, definitely you will become one with a prostitute. That is what the bible says. If a person has slept with twenty people then he has segmented himself into twenty different places. He has collected a minium of twenty demons. If that kind of person dis-virgins you what he has done is to gather the twenty demons and pumped them into you. You will start your own problem from there.

I prayed for a brother who came for deliverance after falling into sin. He slept with a lady and right there where he was having sex, he found out that the lady was chatting with an invinsible personality. All of a sudden, the lady's face changed to that of an old woman and she said, you are sleeping with Lucifer's wife. Instead of him to stand up, he continued until he was through and satisfied. By the time they brought him to the church, one leg was normal and the other leg was like one third of the other leg. He could not walk properly again. He had been captured.


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