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Free from Debt

For many people, the current financial state has caused a great deal of difficulty. The housing market is down, some businesses have closed, and gasoline and food prices are rising. Some are struggling to stay ahead. But, what does God have to say about our finances and our future?

Don’t Make Decisions Based on Fear 


God’s financial system is not like the world’s system. No matter what happens around us, we don’t have to be fearful because God loves us. First John 4:18 tells us, There is no fear in love...
Even if situations seem out of our control, the love of God isn’t ever going to crumble and remains our solid foundation in life. We can have confidence that whatever is happening, God wants to help us and will go out of His way to meet even our simple day-to-day needs.

Recognize Your Source

Second Corinthians 9:10 says, And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness...
God is the One who provides our finances; our jobs are not our source—God is. So when positions disappear, we don’t have to feel hopeless, because God is not limited. He can provide for us through other means, in ways we may not have imagined or are able to figure out ahead of time.

Matthew 6:26 reassures us that if God takes care of the birds, we can believe He is going to provide for us, too.

Maintain a Generous Spirit 

I’ve discovered the best way to deal with money is to give it away. This is a key factor in helping us to maintain a biblical focus on our finances. And we need to keep on giving, especially during challenging financial times.

If we obey God with our finances and give to help other people, the more God will have other people do for us. It’s just that simple. Proverbs 28:27 says, He who gives to the poor will not want...

Work with What You've Got 

It’s possible to live debt-free with biblical principles, even in difficult times. Romans 13:8 tells us to Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another...

My husband, Dave, says that if we learn to live within our income, or our borders, then God will bless us, our borders will be stretched and we’ll have more.

Luke 19:17 tells us that God is pleased when we are faithful and trustworthy in very little things. When we are, it says He will give us authority over bigger things.

Start Paying with Cash 

It’s so easy to use credit cards without realizing how much you’re actually spending. If you’re trying to downsize your debt, start paying cash for everything. You’re more apt to stretch (even save) your money when it’s literally in your hands.

It’s okay to use credit cards for convenience as long as you pay them off at the end of the month. The point is: You don’t want to get into a situation where you’re so distracted by debt that you can’t focus on God.

The enemy wants you to be fearful of tomorrow. So your main goal needs to be to enjoy the life Jesus died to give you today. Do what you can to live in righteousness, peace and joy, and trust Him to do the rest.


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