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Personal growth...’ PROVERBS 1:5 NIV


Here are three reasons why personal growth should matter to you: 1) Talent without personal growth limits your future! Albert Schweitzer said, ‘The secret of success is to go through life as someone who never gets used up.’ But how do you do that? The answer lies in how you approach talent. If you draw on your talent but never sharpen it you won’t get very far, because nobody’s that talented. But when you take the time to sharpen your skills and develop your character, God can call on you at a moment’s notice. 2) Personal growth prevents stagnation. Do you feel stuck spiritually, relationally, career-wise or at home? You won’t get unstuck by making external changes: looking for a different job, leaving your marriage partner and family, or changing churches. The truth is nobody’s keeping you down but yourself. The lid on your life – is you! In order to accomplish more you’ve got to grow more. So if you’re serious about getting unstuck, stop looking for quick fixes, take a long hard look at yourself, accept responsibility for what you see, pray, then decide to do something about it. 3) Personal growth guarantees success! The Tartar tribes of central Asia used a particular curse against their enemies. They didn’t call for their swords to rust or their people to die of disease. No, they said, ‘May you stay in one place forever.’ Wow! If you don’t work every day on improving yourself, that will be your fate. You’ll end up stuck in the same place, doing the same things, dreaming the same dreams but never getting anywhere! 


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