How To Activate Spiritual Powers On Object And Anointing Oil.
You need to pray and fast! see, Matthew 17:21 and Isaiah 58 If you need to raise the dead. Heal the sick.
Just pray like this. Hold the bottle of water or oil and Read Psalm 20 into it seven times and for wealth or job or prayers for your heart desires read just three times and drop a little in your bath water used it to wash your face and body. drink a little then go and prosper.
Just pray like this. Hold the bottle of water or oil and Read Psalm 20 into it seven times and for wealth or job or prayers for your heart desires read just three times and drop a little in your bath water used it to wash your face and body. drink a little then go and prosper.
Yahweh Almighty, before the hosts of angels we stand in awe,
and whose heavenly service we acknowledge; may it please you to regard
favorably and to bless and hallow this creation, water. May you be purified water, empowered to drive
afar all power of the enemy, in fact, to root out and banish the enemy himself,
along with his fallen angels.
May everything that this waters sprinkles upon in the homes
and gatherings of the faithful be delivered from all that is unclean and
hurtful; let no breath of contagion hover there, no taint of corruption; let
all the wiles of the lurking enemy come to nothing. By the sprinkling of this water may everything
opposed to the safety and peace of the occupants of these homes and churches be
banished, so that in calling on your set-apart name they may know the
well-being they desire, and be protected from every peril; through Yahshua the
Anointed Messiah our Sovereign Master. Amen.
Yahweh Almighty, before the hosts of angels we stand in awe,
and whose heavenly service we acknowledge; may it please you to regard
favorably and to bless and hallow this creation, oil, which by your power has
been pressed from the juice of olives.
You have ordained it for anointing the sick, so that, when they are made
well, they may give thanks to you, the living and true Yahweh. Grant, we pray, that those who will use this
oil, which we are blessing in your name, may be delivered from all suffering,
all infirmity, and all the wiles of the enemy.
Let it be the means of averting any kind of adversity from man, made in
your image and redeemed by the precious blood of your Son, so that he may never
again suffer the sting of the ancient serpent; through Messiah our Sovereign
Master. Amein.
Blessing of
Hear my prayer, O Yahweh: with your creation water (or oil)
I bless and sanctify this object to your use and service. May all who come in contact with it utilize
it for your glory, feel your divine protection and experience your unlimited
grace. Now may the blessing of Yahweh
Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Set-apart Spirit, rest upon this object
and reside within it for the mission and ministry of Yahshua the Anointed
Messiah. Amein.
Anointing Oil Prayer
Prayer for blessing and sanctifying Oil
In the name of Jesus, I set this oil apart to be holy
anointing oil.
Jesus, I thank you that you were crushed for my complete
healing and wholeness.
This holy anointing oil speaks of the perfection of your
finished work. I thank you that whatever this oil touches, the fullness of your
Grace, power and healing virtue will flow according to your word in
Mark 6:13 and James 5:14
I pray that wherever this oil is applied, it will bring
glory and praise to your name. Amen
We anoint you with this oil in the Name of the Father, and
of the
Son, and of the
Holy Spirit and I pray for you NAME (or the person you
are asking for)
for the fullness of his blessings, the fullness of his
..... May our
Lord sustain you with his presence, drive away all
sickness of body
and spirit, and give you the victory of his life and
his peace which
will enable you to serve him both now and evermore.
..... May our
Lord Jesus Christ uphold you and fill you with his
grace, that you
may know the healing power of his love in every area
of your life.
..... May the
Lord God set you free from all anxiety and doubt, all
fear and
..... Know that your sins are forgiven by his most
Holy Grace
and go and live
as he has show you - in the power and by the
power of His
..... Send oh God
your healing light and power and energy into
every part of
this person - and in particular grant that every
malignancy of
cell and fibre, of blood and bone be cast out and
that wholeness of
both body and spirit be given to them.
.... May the Lord
help you walk with Him day by day....
.... Through the
love of God made known in Jesus Christ may the
God's grace flow
through your life, restoring wholeness to your
relationship with
God and others. May the indwelling Spirit
strengthen you in
all goodness and keep you in resurrected life.
..... May the
Lord bless your husband and bring him healing.
Fill him with
your Spirit and lead him in the way you, O God,
want him to go.
Lord, we pray for
all who have been outwardly anointed with holy oil
this night, that
they all may have the inward anointing of the Holy
Spirit. And for all those who have prayed - those
who have shown
mercy - those who
have lifted their hands to you in thanksgiving and
in supplication -
for all present here, O God, we give thanks and ask
that you continue
with them day by day. Indeed, O Lord,
keep us all
from all evil,
preserve us in all goodness. Bless us so
that we may
indeed bless
others in your most Holy Name - we ask it in the name of
Christ Jesus -
who taught us to pray together as one family,
Our Father who
art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our
daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against
us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the
glory, for
ever and
ever. Amen
Reference :
Prayers for Anointing with Oil
1. Preparation of a place for Healing Prayers
In the name of Jesus Christ, I claim this space as a Holy
place of prayer and I place it and all the people who have come here for prayer
under the protection of God's mighty angels so that all the powers of evil are
hereby bound, expelled and barred from returning. I call upon God's Holy Spirit
to be present and active here so that God's healing gifts may be received and
God's love may be powerfully experienced during these prayers; for the praise
and glory of God. Amen.
2. Prayer of thanksgiving for and blessing of healing oil
God, our redeemer, giver of health and salvation, we give
you thanks for this gift of oil. As the apostles anointed many who were sick,
and you healed them, so may your Holy Spirit come on us and on this oil, that
those who receive this anointing in repentance and faith may be made well in
accordance with your will: through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen (U.C.C. Book
of Worship)
3. Prayer for anointing with specially blessed oil:
(Name) as I anoint you, so may God grant you the powerful
presence of the Holy Spirit. With infinite mercy, may God forgive your sins,
release you from suffering, and restore you to health and strength. May God
deliver you from all evil, preserve you in all goodness, and bring you to
everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. (U.C.C. Book of Worship)
4. Prayer with laying on hands:
(Name) I/we lay my/our hands upon you in the name of our
Sovereign and Savior Jesus Christ, calling upon Christ to uphold you and fill
you with grace, that you may know the healing power of God's love. Amen.
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