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God’s patience is amazing! In one of the most extraordinary examples of it, He gave Jezebel time to repent. When Ahab her wicked husband humbled himself, God healed and restored him. Humbling yourself before God will turn things around in your life when nothing else will work. James writes: ‘Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up’ (James 4:10). Humble yourself – don’t wait for God to do it! The Bible says: ‘Do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and punishes everyone he accepts as a son’ (Hebrews 12:5-6 NIV). Notice two important statements in this Scripture: (1) ‘Do not make light of the Lord’s discipline.’ A “nobody’s going to tell me what to do” attitude cost Jezebel dearly, and it will cost you too! (2) “Do not lose heart when He rebukes you.’ Don’t see God’s correction as rejection, see it as proof you’re His child and that He has great plans for you. Paul considered himself a bondservant to Christ. To be bonded means to be bound by certain obligations. In the Old Testament God marked His priests by putting blood on the lobe of their right ear, the thumb of their right hand, and the big toe of their right foot. So the word for you today is – your hearing, your talents, and your walk must honor God! As a bondservant to Christ you can’t ‘do your own thing;’ you’re called to walk according to His instructions. If you’re not – repent and get right with God!


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