Are you struggling with rejection? When your roots spring from the soil of rejection it’s like living in a house with a faulty foundation; every storm brings new problems. You can employ all kinds of tricks from people-pleasing to workaholism to make yourself feel better, but without a healthy root system nothing works. Flawed roots always produce flawed fruit. And your roots were diseased long before you started producing such fruit. What’s the answer? Being ‘Rooted deep…and founded securely on [God’s] love.’ God wants to pick you up, shake off the old soil and replant you securely in His love and acceptance. And He doesn’t just replant you, He ‘re-parents’ you. That means you no longer draw your self-worth from your family of origin. ‘Now are we the sons of God’ (1John 3:2). But remember, it’s a process. Strong roots require three things: (1) Time to develop. Becoming confident in your identity as God’s child is like breaking in new shoes. You must walk in them till they become comfortable. (2) Protection from predators and harsh elements that can kill. You need to surround yourself with people who ‘have obtained like precious faith’ (2 Peter 1:1). Christian fellowship is your protective shield! (3) Being fed and watered regularly. Once-a-week in church won’t cut it, you must learn to feed yourself regularly on God’s Word! The cure for rejection is – being able to see yourself as God sees you. It means announcing, ‘I am what God says I am, I have what God says I have, therefore I can do what God says I can do.’ So even if you didn’t get off to a great start, you can still have a great finish!
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