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Double up. Bring in reinforcements!

‘If two of you…agree about anything.’ Matthew 18:19 NIV Sometimes you need somebody to agree with you in prayer; somebody who knows how to stand on God’s Word and intercede with Him for your finances, your children, your marriage, etc. James had just been executed and Herod was planning to kill Peter in the morning. Now, you’d think Peter would have been up all night praying, but he wasn’t. The Bible says he was sleeping (Acts 12:6). Where did he get that kind of faith? The Bible says: ‘The church was earnestly praying to God for him’ (Acts 12:5 NIV). Any time you can sleep in the face of danger and experience grace in the midst of chaos, it’s one of two things: 1) You know God well, you’re standing on His promises and you’ve handed the situation over to Him. 2) Somebody is praying for you, somebody with ‘clout’ in the heavenly realm. Notice, the church didn’t say, ‘If Peter was in God’s will, he wouldn’t be in this mess right now,’ or ‘Since Peter’s in jail, who’s going to preach for us next Sunday?’ No, while they were praying in faith for a breakthrough, God was at work on the other side of the city dispatching an angel to set Peter free. That’s how prayer works. John Wesley said, ‘We can do great things when we pray; but we can do nothing great until we pray!’ Do you feel like your prayers aren’t getting the job done? Double up. Bring in reinforcements! Find somebody who’ll agree with you, for Jesus said, ‘If two of you…agree about anything…it will be done for you.’


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