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When you are on Overload...( 3 )...‘Don’t get worked up.’ Matthew 6:34 TM

Everything that can go wrong has! Your teenager pierced his nose, the dog threw up on the carpet, the toilet's overflowing, and the car's leaking fluid. No wonder you're stressed! When life gets overwhelming remember: (1) God's still looking out for you. When things look bad, remind yourself that God's bigger than your problem: 'Don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.' (2) Don't think about quitting! Every time you reach the breaking point it's a test. You have before you a series of choices that will add up to either quitting or persevering through to victory. Paul was flogged, thrown in jail, shipwrecked and run out of town, but he refused to give in to circumstances and in the end he was able to say, 'I have fought the good fight…finished the race, and… remained faithful' (2 Timothy 4:7 NLT). (3) If it doesn't have your name on it, don't pick it up! Stress comes from micro-managing others and assuming responsibilities that aren't yours. Establish healthy boundaries. If you're not sure what's appropriate, ask God to show you how much to get involved in the lives of friends and family. (4) Your breaking point can be the start of a breakthrough. Ever heard the expression 'hitting the wall'? Runners use it when they're exhausted and feel like giving up. But seasoned athletes know if they push through the pain they'll get their second wind and experience a 'runner's high' that'll carry them over the finish line. So keep going; by God's grace you'll make it!


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