One of the most important questions you must ask yourself is, ‘What am I supposed to prepare for?’ You don’t want to be like the Miss America contestant who recently told a late-night TV talk show host, ‘My goal is to bring world peace – and get my own apartment.’ Ask God what you’re supposed to do and keep asking until you get clear instructions as to your next step (or for that matter, your first step!). There are timeless principles in the Bible that work, whether you’re walking with God or going your own way. So be careful that you are not using God, rather than allowing God to use you. ‘In all thy ways acknowledge [consult, listen and submit to] him, and he shall direct thy paths.’ What ultimately matters most will not be what others say about your life but what God says. The humbling truth is, all achievements will eventually be surpassed, records will be broken, reputations will fade and tributes will be forgotten. In college Dr James Dobson’s goal was to become the school’s tennis champion. He felt very proud when his trophy was prominently placed in a display cabinet. Years later someone mailed him that trophy; they had found it in a trash can when the school was remodelled. Dobson says, ‘Given enough time, all your trophies will be trashed by someone else.’ Living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal. You weren’t put here to be remembered, you were put here to do God’s will and to prepare for eternity. If you’re wise you’ll keep that in mind!
Dealing with dream criminals: Dreaming is a natural way in which the spirit world breaks out into our lives. Dreams can be described as the dark speech of the spirit. They can be keys to unlocking the door to the inner world. Dreams have been referred to as the speech of the spirit. They are means of revelation. Unfortunately, modern men and women have chosen to either ignore dreams altogether or to fear that an interest in them is lack of civilization. The fact is that if we would listen, dreams can help us find increased spiritual victory and help. Dreams – Sources of Revelation Once we have the revelation that dreams can be a key to unlocking the door to the spirit world, we can take some vital steps. First, we can specifically pray inviting God to inform us through our dreams. Secondly, we should declare war when dreams are used against us and thirdly, we should learn how to interpret dreams. The best way to discover the meaning of dreams is to ask...
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