How heavy is a glass of water? That depends on how long you have to carry it. A minute is no problem and after an hour your arm might ache. But after 24 hours you'll probably be in bad shape! In each instance the glass weighs exactly the same, but the longer you carry it the heavier it feels. And it's the same with a grudge; it can get so heavy it stops you from living. People will hurt you; that's the reality of sharing this planet with others. Sometimes it's intentional, other times they've no idea they upset you, far less broken your heart. Does that mean you should go around pretending nothing's wrong? No, the first step is to confront your feelings. And when the hurt is deep, it's even harder to forgive. That's when you need to pray, 'Lord, change my heart and heal me.' Jesus said, 'Pray for those who mistreat you' (Luke 6:28 NIV). When you do that something unexpected happens; your heart softens and you start seeing them through God's eyes instead of your raw emotions. Jesus said, 'If you have anything against someone, forgive – only then will your heavenly Father…wipe your slate clean.' When you sow unforgiveness you reap unforgiveness, even from God! Isaac is a prime example of practicing forgiveness. During a drought he dug wells that his enemies moved in and claimed. But instead of retaliating, he moved on and dug new ones. As a result God filled Isaac's empty wells and promised to bless him and his children too! (See Genesis 26:22-23). And He will fill the emptiness in your life, when you forgive those who have hurt you.
Dealing with dream criminals: Dreaming is a natural way in which the spirit world breaks out into our lives. Dreams can be described as the dark speech of the spirit. They can be keys to unlocking the door to the inner world. Dreams have been referred to as the speech of the spirit. They are means of revelation. Unfortunately, modern men and women have chosen to either ignore dreams altogether or to fear that an interest in them is lack of civilization. The fact is that if we would listen, dreams can help us find increased spiritual victory and help. Dreams – Sources of Revelation Once we have the revelation that dreams can be a key to unlocking the door to the spirit world, we can take some vital steps. First, we can specifically pray inviting God to inform us through our dreams. Secondly, we should declare war when dreams are used against us and thirdly, we should learn how to interpret dreams. The best way to discover the meaning of dreams is to ask...
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