A famous singer was to perform at the Grand Opera House. The concert hall was packed. Suddenly the house manager announced, ‘Ladies and gentlemen I regret that due to illness our special guest will be unable to perform this evening. But we’ve found another singer, an equally great talent, so would you please give her a warm welcome.’ The crowd groaned so loudly that nobody even heard the singer’s name. You could feel the disappointment everywhere. The stand-in singer gave it everything she had but when it was over all she got was brief scattered applause followed by uncomfortable silence. Suddenly in the balcony a child stood up and shouted, ‘Mommy, I think you’re wonderful!’ Realising what had happened, the crowd jumped to their feet and gave her a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes. There are people in your life today who are bleeding emotionally, crumbling under the load they silently carry, who never hear the words, ‘I think you’re wonderful.’ Why? (a) Because we never learned how to say them. But we can learn; it’s not too late! (b) We don’t think they need to hear them because they seem so strong. Paul writes, ‘There was no rest for us…Battles on the outside and fear on the inside. But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus. His presence was a joy…so was the news he brought’ (See 2 Corinthians 7:5-8 NLT). Even the Apostle Paul needed encouragement! So God sends in Titus. ‘His presence was a joy…so was the news he brought.’ God needs more encouragers like Titus. Today you can be one of them!
A famous singer was to perform at the Grand Opera House. The concert hall was packed. Suddenly the house manager announced, ‘Ladies and gentlemen I regret that due to illness our special guest will be unable to perform this evening. But we’ve found another singer, an equally great talent, so would you please give her a warm welcome.’ The crowd groaned so loudly that nobody even heard the singer’s name. You could feel the disappointment everywhere. The stand-in singer gave it everything she had but when it was over all she got was brief scattered applause followed by uncomfortable silence. Suddenly in the balcony a child stood up and shouted, ‘Mommy, I think you’re wonderful!’ Realising what had happened, the crowd jumped to their feet and gave her a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes. There are people in your life today who are bleeding emotionally, crumbling under the load they silently carry, who never hear the words, ‘I think you’re wonderful.’ Why? (a) Because we never learned how to say them. But we can learn; it’s not too late! (b) We don’t think they need to hear them because they seem so strong. Paul writes, ‘There was no rest for us…Battles on the outside and fear on the inside. But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus. His presence was a joy…so was the news he brought’ (See 2 Corinthians 7:5-8 NLT). Even the Apostle Paul needed encouragement! So God sends in Titus. ‘His presence was a joy…so was the news he brought.’ God needs more encouragers like Titus. Today you can be one of them!
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